Implementation Manuals for stakeholders comment and validation

The Industry-Linkage and Technology Transfer Office, under the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, has developed one policy and four implementation manuals to complete the legal framework and policy environment for industry-linkage and technology transfer of our university. Before being endorsed by the University Senate, the prepared policy and implementation guides must be commented and verified by the relevant stakeholders. In that case, the feedback and comments by the community of our university is indispensable. The policy and the implementation manuals have an impact on our personal engagements, the operation of our specific units, and the overall mission of our university in related areas.

It is evident that your comments and suggestions at this early stage prevent any unintended consequences of the policy and the implementation guides during execution. The professionals (copied in this email) involved in the documents’ preparation will seriously take your comments and feedback into account to improve the policy and the implementation manuals. Our office will soon host a validation workshop to discuss the revised versions of of the documents updated based on your comments and suggestions. Please remember that Revenue sharing and overhead cost related issues (when applicable) will be discussed and approved by the Board of the University. We would be grateful for your feedback and keenly looking forward your invaluable comments in writing to our office at and by September 20, 2022. Kindly, please send your comments for each document in a separate file, and don’t forget to include a copy for the experts who developed the documents.

Training and Consultancy Policy and Procedure-Draft

Testing and Recuitment Guideline 20_06_22

Technology Transfer Implementation Manual

Technology Incubation and Transfer Policy

Internship, Externship and Industry Staff Exchange Guide of Addis Ababa University

Kind regards,