General Business Information
- Business Name: Kaffabio Control PLC
- Head Office Address: Addis Ababa.
- Company Status: Established in May, 2021.
- Contact Information of the Person in Charge:
Dr. Tesfaye Alemu, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Addis Ababa University,
Tel. +251911407094
E-mail:, P.O. Box: 1176.
Business Details
- Date of Creation: Established in May, 2021.
- Main Areas of Activities of Business: The company operates at the forefront of agricultural science in developing and commercializing effective and sustainable bio-fungicide products to coffee growers to protect their coffee from coffee wilt disease.
- Main Products: Kaffabio – a Bio-fungicide produced from novel fungi
- Main Services: Product delivery, Training and Consultancy
- Principal Customer Industries and Geographies: Small and large coffee farmers reside in rural areas of Ethiopia and East African Countries.
Business Capacity
Human Resources
- Business Organization: 3 Co- founders
– Dr. Tesfaye Alemu (CEO),
– Mr. Afrasa Mulatu – Production Manager,
- Number of Employees: – 3 full time
- Financial: Currently, we are partnering with AAU, ILTT for financial support to plant the production and proceed with product registration.
- We want to invite potential investors to join us.