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    Technology Transfer

    We measure the success of our efforts in the TBIC by assessing how well we transfer our technologies incubated in the Center to startup firms that survive the complex and competitive market. In the process, [...]
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    Industry linkage

    The Office of ILTT strengthen the linkage and partnership between the University and the industry through facilitating consultative innovation meetings with the industry forum, providing training and consultancy services, conducting adaptive researches, administering internship and [...]
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    Incubation of technologies

    We specialize in technology business incubation targeting the small-and-medium sized technology startups of the wider community of our University. We host tenants/incubatees in our Technology Business Incubation Center (TBIC) conducting periodic innovation competitions and provide [...]
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Show Cases

show cases

KaffaBio Control Profile

General Business Information Business Name: Kaffabio Control PLC Head Office Address: Addis Ababa. Company Status: Established in May, 2021. Contact Information of the Person in Charge: Dr. Tesfaye Alemu, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Addis Ababa […]

show cases

Yarn processing factory PLC

Principla Innovator (PI): Mr. Chalachew Setegn The business type of the company is mixed (manufacturing, supplying and service) type. The company produces different types of processed yarn (bleached yarn, dyed yarn, winded yarn) and supply […]

show cases

Solar Powered Charging Station for Rural Schools

Name of Principal Innovator: Getachew Teshome Woldegebreal Lecturer, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University Tenant at Addis Ababa University Technology Business Incubation Center Email: getteshome@gmail.com Mobile: +251 994 61 73 66 Brief description: […]

show cases

Ergonomic Street Cart

Project: Ergonomic Street Cart By: Kumilachew Dejene The Ergonomic Street Cart project is one of the promising startups being developed in the Addis Ababa University – Technology Business Incubation Center (AAU-TBIC) by Kumlachew Dejene. Kumlachew […]