Yarn processing factory PLC

Principla Innovator (PI): Mr. Chalachew Setegn

The business type of the company is mixed (manufacturing, supplying and service) type. The company produces different types of processed yarn (bleached yarn, dyed yarn, winded yarn) and supply for traditional cloth weaving factories, knitting factories and retailors. The company also will produce fabrics and supply for the garments. Additionally, the company will give bleaching, dyeing, winding, and weaving service. The head office at Addis Ababa and will have branch factories in regions.

Vision, mission, goals and objectives               


The company aspires to be preferable and well-addressed supplier of processed yarn in Ethiopia and neighboring countries by 2020. Growing to full textile factory, it also dreams to be competent fabric and garment producer and supplier by 2035.


  • To bleach, dyeing, winding, and producing fabric and sustainably supply for weaving factories, knitting factories, garments and retailors.
  • In long term To produce cotton, process cotton, process yarn, making different fabrics, making garment and supplying the products

Goals and objectives– in short and long term

  • To build yarn winding and fabric factories in different Ethiopia and supplying winded yarn to the weaving communities.
  • To build weaving/fabric factories in different Ethiopia and supplying to the garments and fashion designers.
  • reaching most of weavers in Ethiopia step by step
  • Avoiding women work load and child labor abuse in winding and spinning operations
  • Applying different technologies and improving product quality and capacity of production through continuous customer need analysis and scientific research.
  • To establish research and training office on cotton processing, yarn processing, weaving and garment
  • To making cotton farm to produce, cotton
  • To build cotton processing factory to supply for market and for existing yarn processing factory
  • To build garment factory to use the product of the fabric factory
  • Creating job opportunity
  • Making appropriate profit


Mr. Chalachew Setegn Dr. Daniel Tilahun Mr. Tesfaye Gonite
·         Mr. Chalachew Setegne studied his B.Sc. degree in Arba Minch University and M.Sc. degree in Addis Ababa University.

·         Serve in teaching for 16 years.

·         Invent yarn winding, weaving and block making machines

·         Establish Mirca engineering and manufacturing P.E




  ·         Mr. Tesfaye Gonite studied his B.Sc. degree in Arba Minch University and M.Sc. degree in Addis Ababa University.

·         Served as teacher for 10 years

·         Researcher on agricultural machinery and indigenous knowledge


